The College of Commercial Arbitrators Presents: Using the Pre-Hearing Conference to Win Your Commercial Arbitration

Session I – Friday, 1 October 2021
12:00 PM Eastern Time / 9:00 AM Pacific Time (1.5 hours)

Hosted on ZOOM by JURIS Conferences

This 90-minute panel discussion will be the first installment in an ongoing series. Attendees of Session I will receive complimentary access to Chapter Six: Prehearing Conferences and Prehearing Management in General of the CCA Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration – Fourth Edition.

Session I


Click here to register on Zoom.

NYS CLE credit (transitional and non-transitional) in the Areas of Professional Practice (1.5 hours for first program) and a general certificate of attendance will be provided upon request.


This lively discussion, which will include optional audience participation in live polls and a Q&A with panelists, will cover the following key topics:
-How to prepare for your pre-hearing conference
-Setting the stage for your claims and defenses
-Disclosure and depositions
-How many hearing days do you really need?

This program will include optional audience participation in live polls and a Q&A with panelists.

Please note that this conference will be recorded and may be made available by JURIS Publishing after the event. Audience members will not be visible in the recording.


Eugene I. Farber, a former President of the CCA, is a Partner at Farber, Pappalardo & Carbonari in White Plains, New York. Eugene has over 40 years’ experience as civil trial lawyer and advocate, negotiator, arbitrator and mediator in international, federal, state, administrative, arbitration, and mediation proceedings related to partnerships, energy (oil, gas, coal and solar), malpractice (accountants, attorneys, architects and engineers), franchise, construction, real estate investments and valuations, entertainment, bankruptcy, manufacturing, marketing, product development, finance, banking, securities, aviation, insurance and employee-employer disputes.  

L. Tyrone Holt is the Managing Principal of THE HOLT GROUP LLC and founder and Principal of WESTERN NEUTRAL SERVICES LLC in Denver, Colorado. Ty has over forty years of experience as a commercial and construction transaction lawyer and commercial and construction trial attorney. He also has thirty years of experience as a commercial and construction mediator and arbitrator. His experience extends from the simple to the most complex multi-party disputes. Ty has extensive experience with arbitrations, mediations, and other customized ADR procedures.

Laura A. Kaster is an independent arbitrator and mediator. She is Co-Editor of the CCA Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration. Laura brings to her work as a neutral over 30 years of experience with arbitration, mediation and settlement negotiation in a wide variety of complex commercial disputes. In 2018, she received the Richard K. Jeydel Award for ADR Excellence and Civility from the first ADR Inn of Court in the Country, the Garibaldi Inn. In 2014, she received the Boskey Award from the New Jersey State Bar Association. It recognizes the ADR Practitioner of the Year who has contributed to the public, the bar, and the profession.

College of Commercial Arbitrators Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration – Fourth Edition

The fourth edition of the Guide provides practical guidance on conducting U.S.-based commercial arbitrations and international arbitrations throughout the world. With contributions by more than 70 prominent arbitrators, this book is an indispensable, authoritative reference work for those working and interested in commercial arbitration. Attendees of the program will receive complimentary access to Chapter Six: Prehearing Conferences and Prehearing Management in General of the Guide, co-authored by panelist Laura A. Kaster.

Conference registrants can purchase the CCA Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration with a 20% discount on print or digital format using the promotional code CCA20. 

*Promotional code only valid on orders made via publisher’s website with a credit card.

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